OLM On Rails

Posts Tagged ‘activesupport::testcase

A Sneaky Change in Rails 2.3.2 Temporarily Broke Our Tests

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Today, I’ve decided to revamp the test suites for OLM. I won’t lie – we’ve been a little lazy in terms of testing. We have lots of meetings where we say “our testing is going to be solid”, but then nothing really happens.

I’m sure we’re not alone in this regard.

Anyhow, I decided to dust off our tests and give them a run. Here’s what I got:

./test/unit/../test_helper.rb:22: undefined method `use_transactional_fixtures=' for Test::Unit::TestCase:Class (NoMethodError)

Hrmph. What’s going on? After a little Googling, and it turns out that in Rails 2.3.2, “Test::Unit::TestCase changed to ActiveSupport::TestCase”.

So, I had to go into ./test/test_helper.rb, and change the class to ActiveSupport::TestCase. No big deal really, but it was confusing at first.

It’s a real blow to your self-esteem when your testing framework doesn’t even run.

Anyhow, it’s fixed. Now to write some good tests…

FOLLOW UP: You also need to change Test::Unit::TestCase to ActiveSupport::TestCase in your tests.

Written by Mike Conley

May 26, 2009 at 11:02 am